Anger Management Classes
While anger is a normal, usually healthy, human emotion, constant or uncontrollable anger can be devastating. When out of control emotions turn destructive, you might find yourself facing problems in every corner of your life: at work, in your personal relationships, and in the overall quality of your health. For those who have always known that they have a problem with their anger, confronting difficult situations and emotions can make you feel as though you're at the mercy of unpredictable and powerful forces within. Perhaps you know why you react as you do, but perhaps you do not -- many people with anger issues feel like something just takes over sometimes.
Or perhaps you feel consistently taken advantage of, belittled or betrayed. Perhaps you are what some people call "over-sensitive" and you find yourself routinely feeling hurt, traumatized, or angered, but you have the social sensitivity to retreat rather than rage in public. Can an intelligent person who doesn’t scream, swear, or smash things have an anger management issue? Of course they can. Many people react to chronic anger by withdrawing socially, feeling chronically irritable and grumpy, or getting physically ill. Depression, anxiety, substance abuse, and self-destructive behaviors are all commons manifestations of "stuffed" anger expression.
The truth is most people who have problems managing their anger have experienced some type of emotional pain or trauma in their life. If you find yourself acting in ways that seem out of control and frightening, you might need help finding better ways to deal with this emotion. You are not alone in the struggle, however. You can learn "how and when to be angry", rather than "how to pretend you’re not angry".
Weekly Class Schedule
Weekly anger management classes meet every Wednesday evening, from 7:30pm-9:00pm.
How Many Classes Do I Need?
A complete anger management program generally consists of a 10-week cognitive behavioral anger management group treatment. Each of the ten weekly sessions runs between 90-120 minutes, for a total of 15-20 hours of instruction. This instruction can be compressed into less than 10 weeks if requested, but generally, most clients will find it easier to achieve in shorter weekly sessions, rather than a few very long sessions over a weekend. Classes are typically offered in a small group setting (10 clients max) and in some cases may be supplemented with one-on-one counseling. We offer multiple instructional strategies, including:
- Lectures, Discussions, Videos
- Student Workbook for tracking real-life situations
- Examples of Effective & Non-Effective Communication Strategies
- Role Playing Exercises & Simulations
- Case studies
Learning Outcomes
Our weekly anger skills classes help people identify when their anger is useful to them and when it is not. We'll help you track the specific triggers in your own life that often set you off. You'll learn to see these triggers coming long before they have a chance to erupt into serious problems at work or at home. You'll learn practical tools to handle tough situations. You'll also get a chance to practice effective methods of communication in a safe environment, learn how to best express complaints or dissatisfaction, as well as improve your ability to be clear and assertive. All groups are led by a Doctorate level licensed psychotherapist who additionally contributes understanding of misdirected anger, relationship dynamics, and insight into how habits from your family of origin may be impacting your present-day situations.
Material Covered
The foundation of our educational model is a set of eight anger control tools. Each week, class participants will discuss and explore one of the eight tools for anger control, with specific attention to how and where this tool can be used in their own lives. Class participants also have an opportunity to review the personal experiences they had each week that made them feel angry, disrespected, frustrated, or defenseless. Other subjects covered in the course curriculum include:
- Anger and the stress response in the human brain
- When anger is positive
- When anger is a problem
- The relationship between stress and anger
- Stress management
- Social support
- Physical aspects of the anger response
- Empathy
- Social awareness
- Communication
- Acceptance
- Flexibility
- Effective ways to respond
- Personal responsibility
- Optimistic vs. Pessimist thinking
- Self-talk & validation
- Ways to argue
- Assertive communication
- Harmful communication styles
- Avoidance, criticism, passive-aggression , aggression, defensiveness, contempt
- The assertive communicator
- Sending clear messages
- Expressing complaints
- Handling conflict
- Realistic and unrealistic expectations
- Getting your needs met
- Forgiveness
- Recognizing personal triggers
- Warning signs
- Cognitive distortions and cognitive restructuring
- Self-soothing
Reflective Writing Exercises
Since each class session is devoted to exploring one aspect of anger, and one tool to control it, class participants are asked to do written exercises to help them relate the concepts covered to situations in their own lives. Each student is given their own workbook in which they track their emotions and behavior – via checklists, questionnaires, simple reflective writing assignments, and weekly Personal Anger Records, and so on, which are all available to them inside their student workbooks. To complete each assignment, the student will practice a degree of the overall self-awareness that is critical in understanding one’s own anger response. These exercises also help group participants identify the specific situations that trigger their anger, what thoughts they have that contribute most to their anger, and what non-destructive ways to control anger work for them personally.

We employ the Century Anger Management model of intervention which is based on an educational and cognitive behavioral approach to working with clients. This model of intervention is used and accepted in courts, probation departments, hospitals, mental health facilities, substance abuse facilities, major corporations, governmental agencies and private practices.
- Approved for CEUs by CAADE, California: certificate # CP-10704C110
- Approved for CEUs by NAADAC The National Association for Addiction Professionals, Provider #570
- Approved for CEUs by CFAAP California Foundation for Advancement of Addiction Professionals: certificate number IN-06-745-0112
- Approved for CEU's by the California Board of Behavioral Sciences: PCE# 3128
- Approved as Continuing Education Provider by The Board for Certification of Addiction Specialists: Provider Number 5063
- Continuing Educator Provider, Florida Certification Board, Provider Number 5107-P
- California Board of Corrections for the training of field probation, parole, and correctional officers: Cert Number: 3530-03108