Abuse, Trauma, & PTSD
When people find themselves in grave danger, they are sometimes overcome with feelings of fear, helplessness, or horror. These events are called traumatic experiences. After traumatic experiences, people may have problems that they didn't have before the event. If these problems are severe and the survivor does not get help for them, they can begin to cause problems in the survivor's life and relationships.
How serious the symptoms and problems are depends on many things including a person's life experiences before the trauma, a person's own natural ability to cope with stress, how serious the trauma was, and what kind of help and support a person gets from family, friends, and professionals immediately following the trauma.
Because most trauma survivors are not familiar with how trauma affects people, they often have trouble understanding what is happening to them. They may think the trauma is their fault, that they are going crazy, or that there is something wrong with them because other people who experienced the trauma don't appear to have the same problems. Survivors may turn to drugs or alcohol to make themselves feel better. They may turn away from friends and family who don't seem to understand. They may not know what to do to get better.
How Therapy Can Help
At The Practice LA, we know that people who have suffered abuse and trauma are often so frightened, frozen, and ashamed that they cannot seek treatment. Others may deny the impact of their experiences, but trauma always carries painful and limiting behaviors that prevent people from living their best lives, and having healthy, intimate, and positive relationships. We understand the fear and anxiety that come with taking the first steps to treatment. But there is hope for healing, and you are not alone. The clinical team at The Practice LA has specialized experience in understanding trauma of all natures, and we have a specific commitment and compassion for people suffering with the aftermath of these painful experiences. Your therapist will treat you with respect, understanding, and compassionate care, as they play a vital role in helping you recover.
Common Origins of Trauma
- Abuse: Physical, Sexual, or Emotional. Childhood and/or Adult
- Betrayal / Infidelity
- Combat & War
- Dangerous or Destructive Relationships
- Death, Loss, Complex Grief
- Incarceration
- Incest
- Isolation
- Natural Disasters
- Neglect
- Rape
- Physical Attacks
- Serious Accidents, Illnesses, Surgeries
- Violence: Experienced directly or by witnessing
Further Reading
Waking the Tiger: Healing Trauma: The Innate Capacity to Transform Overwhelming Experiences by Peter Levine.
NIMH - National Institute of Mental Health
Excellent information on different forms of depression, co-existing illnesses, help for suffering loved ones, and downloadable handbooks.