Personality Testing
Professional personality tests are used by Licensed Psychologists to assess symptoms of social and personal maladjustment. These tests are different from the many "fun" personality tests that can be taken online, in that they are scientific tests that have been empirically and statistically validated, and require a license to administer.
Reasons for Performing Personality Testing
Personality testing is most frequently requested by attorneys, employers, parents, and suffering individuals. This type of testing is most frequently used for the following purposes:
- Assessing medical and psychiatric patients
- Evaluating readiness for surgery, EG: potential bariatric surgery patients
- Clarifying a mental health diagnosis
- Designing effective interventions & treatment plans
- Evaluating participants in substance abuse & addiction programs
- Understanding an individual's chronic and excessive emotional difficulties
- Informing child custody disputes, & fitness to parent a minor
- Confirming fitness for duty: often used by the military, law enforcement, FBI, CIA, airlines, medical and other high-stress or highly-regulated industries
- Competency hearings
- Personal injury lawsuits
- Criminal hearings
- Forensic risk assessments
Instruments Used for Personality Testing
All personality testing services include a review of relevant legal and medical documentation, a clinical interview with a Licensed Psychologist, and the administration of accepted psychological testing. Following a personal interview and testing with the subject, verbal feedback and a written psychological report are prepared for the requesting party. This written report is generally about ten pages long. It includes specific sections pertaining to the personality test administered, an interpretation of results, and professional psychological recommendations. Personal testimony or service as an expert witness about the assessment methods used, test results, validity, conclusions, and recommendations can also be provided once the assessment and report are completed. Common personality testing methods include:
- Clinical Interview
- Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory - II (MMPI-II)
- Other Standardized Psycho Diagnostic Testing - If Requested
Expedited Testing Reports and 24-hour turnaround options are available upon request.