Disability & SSI Assessment

We handle a great deal of assessments for Social Security Disability Insurance (SDI) and Supplemental Security Income (SSI) claims and appeals. SSD and SSI benefits are granted based on a individual's capacity ( or lack thereof) to function for substantial gainful employment. Without the proper medical evidence, the SSA will not consider any condition disabling. Our Clinical Psychologists work with attorneys and claimants to navigate the many requirements of the Social Security Administration and provide the documentation required to substantiate disability. While the SSA may consider numerous factors when deciding whether to grant a claim, their consideration starts with a predetermined list of approved medical issues. Many people suffering from mental illness, psychological, and emotional disabilities are surprised to learn that their conditions do in fact qualify them for benefits. Some of these conditions include:

Instruments Used for Disability, SDI & SSI Assessment

Psychological Assessments for SDI & SSI purposes include a review of all relevant legal and medical documentation, a clinical interview with a Licensed Psychologist, and the administration of accepted psychological testing where needed. Following the personal interview with the claimant, verbal feedback and a written psychological report is prepared for the claimant and their attorney. This written report is a legal document, that is generally about ten pages long. It includes specific sections pertaining to the assessment purpose, as well as an interpretation of the tests administered, and professional recommendations for the claimant and SSA evaluator. Personal testimony or service as an expert witness about the assessment methods used, test results, validity, conclusions, and recommendations can also be provided once the assessment and report are completed. Common psychological assessment methods for SDI and SSI purposes include:

Expedited Reports and 24-hour turnaround options are available upon request.

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(424) 234-6169 (424) 234-6169
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